Thursday, February 11, 2010

Challenge Kit Sneak Peaks

Hi again

I forgot to mention that we have also purchased the Challenge Kit products. I have told the SBC Design Team about these products and they are nearly "wetting" themselves with excitement about this beautiful product range.

Ok so the kits are for sale, they are $50. I have just added up the value of them and the retail price of the kits is $100. So you need to secure one quickly, this time there is only 18 up for grabs (which makes them a HOT, HOT item), but unfortunately you need to pay now upfront.

Sorry no money no kit. Nasty aren't we.

Some clues to whats in the kit

- the collections are from a Company we have never had in the store before

- there is 2 collections, and you could say 1 collection is girlie, and the other boyish

Check out the pictures I hope you like!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad I ordered this :) Now can't wait for more info and not too long now :)
